WARNING!:This blog has been created only for educational purposes. All that appears here has been carefully chosen for the benefit of my students and a more complete learning of their English skills. Many post and their contents have been obtained from different websites and it’s possible that someone wants to claim their rights of ownership over images, songs or other. If, as the owner of any of those, you do not want to allow to appear on this blog, just contact me and it will be removed.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Going back to school

Hi guys,
It's school time again! You're probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some kids feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school because of all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and maybe even a new school. Luckily, these "new" worries only stick around for a little while.

This new course is full of interesting activities like the experience of 'arts and crafts subject' in English.

I hope you''ll come tomorrow with your bags full of optimism and a positive attitud. Together we can do great things.
See you later,


  1. OOH YEAH! Of course I felt excited on my first day of school, in a new school, in a different country, in a different continent!! :S But fortunely, everything was perfect and actually I have LOTS of friends from every single country in the world that I'll never forget! Good luck everybody! :)

  2. Yeeeah! I am also so exited on my first day, in the BocaPrep!! For me, everything is new, but now that I've been for four week in school and I feel really good and happy with all the friends that I have made and with everything that I have learned! Good luck!:)

  3. Thanks so much my charming and lovely Blanca and Candela for your comments.They are so nice. It's very important for me to have a very good supporters like you are. I hope you enjoy your experience at Bocaprep.Be happy and don't forget our blog!


  4. Candela & Blanca: Your welcome! Thanks YOU for being as perfect as you are (Blanca) hahaha and for taking care of your pupils like this: to helping them to learn english in a funny way, I wish I could have a teacher like you!! hahahah Kisses from Boca, Miami!
