WARNING!:This blog has been created only for educational purposes. All that appears here has been carefully chosen for the benefit of my students and a more complete learning of their English skills. Many post and their contents have been obtained from different websites and it’s possible that someone wants to claim their rights of ownership over images, songs or other. If, as the owner of any of those, you do not want to allow to appear on this blog, just contact me and it will be removed.

Monday 23 April 2012

International Book Day

Hi again!
Today we celebrate International Book Day ( This week is full of important celebrations!). It's important to remember tha reading is one of the most interesting things to do in your free time. Read can you leave you into a magic world where you can live amazing adventures. Try to read every day. You have lots of books in our school library (and even you can choose to read in Spanish, Galician or English). You can read English magazines and books too from our English class...
In this link, and  because today Books are the main characters, you can play games, read and listen to stories (clicking on storytime online) and watching video trailers( clicking on more cool stuff).
Enjoy and celebrate the Books Day with us!


  1. Hi! I`m Sergio Calvo Penas (4-a) I like your poast I`m readind and looke your videos , your games...

  2. Hello Sergio;
    I'm glad about your nice comment. This blog is only for all of you and I love it is useful and funny.
