WARNING!:This blog has been created only for educational purposes. All that appears here has been carefully chosen for the benefit of my students and a more complete learning of their English skills. Many post and their contents have been obtained from different websites and it’s possible that someone wants to claim their rights of ownership over images, songs or other. If, as the owner of any of those, you do not want to allow to appear on this blog, just contact me and it will be removed.

Thursday 2 April 2020

The present

HI KIDS!!!!!!! Wow, I was exciting to know about you! How are you doing? I know that time goes very slow and you have many things to to, but the nest days, I'm going to upload some activities but just for you to enjoy. It's not homework. You can do them if you have time, if you are bored or if you want to do something different. This video is very short and cute. Only watch it and answer the questions that shows up. Select in play modes (interactive mode) I hope you like it!!!! And remember... we'll keep in touch. Jack is preparing a surprise for you from Ireland :)

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